Saturday, August 30, 2014

050 - Pound - Panic - live apples

Hey good people, this is episode 50 of this fantabulous podcast and will explain the interesting origins of our words Pound, Panic and love apples.   Love Apples?  what are they?   hmmmmm.  well listen and find out.  No fair telling you since I sent to the trouble of making a podcast, eh?
here is a deep thought at no extra cost:
When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty.

"My bird is sick!"  said Tom illegally

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

049 - Symposium - the walls have ears - shellelagh

Welcome to episode 49.  I will explain what really happens at a high-falutin 'Symposium', why we say the walls have ears and the origin of the word shellelagh.

Please listen with discretion and do not use your new knowledge for evil, only for good.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity and just can't put it down!
How does Moses make his tea?  Hebrews it of course.
I tried to catch some fog but, sadly, I mist.  

These puns brought to you by the Society To Preserve the Pun.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

048 - In One Fell Swoop - Amazon - Cynic

My grandson Samuel salutes my listeners

Episode 48 deals with the philosophical question "How does something happen in One Fell Swoop?"  What is a Fell Swoop? and why is it all alone? I know you have been wondering about these things and so I'm here to ease the angst for all of you by explaining it.   In ONe Fell Swoop.    (hint: there is a bird involved).
Next the reasons why we call something "Amazonian" with a small detour to South America and some nice ladies.  Lastly this episode explains why being cynical is strictly for the dogs.  
Disclaimer: Contents of podcast are liable to be both hot and sticky. Use caution when reading.  Employees must wash hands before returning to the internet.  Others don't need to do that.  

Check out this episode!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

047 - Dunce, Blockhead, To Have the Upper Hand

I talk about the interesting and kinda sad origin of the word Dunce.  Blockhead is not so interesting but still fun.  

Please remember to speak distinctly when talking to older folk, some of us can't hear too well any more and it's embarrising to keep saying 'Huh?' "what's that again'?  

This has been a public service announcement by the Old Geezer Association.  Now get off my lawn you young whippersnappers!!! 

Keep your candles and dynamite in different drawers to keep from embarrasing situations when it gets dark.  Take it from me!  I know!!!!



Check out this episode!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

046 - Climb on the Bandwagon - Boycott

Episode 46 discusses Climbing on the Bandwagon (yeah, I misspelled the file - sorry about that) and the interesting word Boycott.
No witty remarks this time; I'm fresh out.  But I just learned about the word Franking, like in sending mail and it is fascinating.   And of course the phrase 'to be frank'. Gee our language is absolutely littered with nuggets of fun origins.  Perhaps I'll share them next time .... or perhaps not.    Feeling a bit unappreciated right now.  I know noone reads these blurbs or whatever so why write 'em?  <sniff>
My main hobby is recording books for LibriVox.  For free of course, since they are all in the public domain and that is simply tons of fun so I might be focusing more on that instead of this podcast.   Or Pinterest, that is also fun.
NOTE: If laughter persists more than 2 hours after listening, see a doctor.  Anyway, have fun and keep chuckling.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

045 - Backlog - Dead as a Doornail - Boulevard

Episode 45 of this sagatious saga about sayings.  I tackle the wonderful word "backlog".  Why do we have backlogs? Are they real things? And if so, why are they in the back?  Do they every secretly desire to become 'front logs'?    Listen and find out the fascinating origin of this word.  Next I deal with Dead as a Door nail.  An interesting phrase you must admit.  
Some say my podcast is dead as a doornail but I don't believe them.  If it is, what am I to do with the 287 episodes I've got in the can?.
Bouvelard.  Well, this has a nice history and comes from the French rich people wishing to rise above the smells of their respective towns.  Make sense?  It will when you listen.
Disclaimer: Take all of this podcast; it is important to continue listening to the end even if your symptoms go away.
May contain traces of peanuts and/or peanut byproducts and ultimate meaning.  ENJOY!

Check out this episode!
Me with our very first grandchild - he entered college today!  wow

Sunday, August 3, 2014

044 - Ride roughshod, cesarean section, average, blackmail

This written stuff is totally supurfluous, meaning you don't need to read it, just listen to my melifilous (meaning honeyed) podcast.  (Besides, nobody every reads this stuff <sniff> So why do I care? I'm gonna go over here in the corner and be sad for a bit now.)

But if you insist on reading, the origin of riding roughshod over someone or something has a real and somewhat bloody origin.  Thank goodness we just do it figurtively these days, eh?

Cesarean section - did Julius Caesar enter the world this way?  Well, no, but listen to see how old this phrase is and why we call it that.
Average comes to us from people trying to cut their losses; in other words, spread the cost for shipwrecks and naturally them guys with numbers and abacuses got into the act.  Really cool.  I won't discuss blackmail until someone returns my copy of the Facts On File Word and Phrase Origins (3rd edition) which they are holding for ransom.   The price of three Nachos Bell Grandes seems stiff but worth it.
Be kind to everyone you meet; they are battling demons you know nothing of.
Do not listen to this podcast while under the influence of drugs.  My daughter tells me that should be reversed; I'm not sure.   Do not do drugs while under the influence of this podcast seems kinda silly.    Sorry Sarah.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

043 - Cop - cattycorner - constable

Episode 43 and I still haven't run out of words.  This is amazing.   Today you will learn about the many proble origins of why we call policemen 'cops'; why something diagonally across the street is 'cattycorner' (pronunciation optional); and the origin of the word constable.  (It smells of horses but don't tell them)
NOTE: this information to be taken via ears twice a day; NOT to be inserted into any other bodily orifice without proper equipment.    Discretion should be used while mulling over the jokes; if no discretion is available, please refrain from mulling - at least in public.  
NOTE #2: Mulling is the act of thinking about deep stuff and looking pensive and comes from the Latin meaning "to grind thoroughly, completely" as in "Phill mulled over the questions of life and gumbo".   Please do not confuse this with 'mulling' wine which means to heat it up or something like that ... I'm not really sure.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

042 - Cute - bootlegger - private eye - dont panic

Phil prays for inspiration - or maybe another cup of gumbo - not sure which

This is another example of detailed and careful research resulting in incredible knowledge about words and stuff.  Unfortunately I don't always pass along this knowledge too well but my intentions are good.
the origins of the words 'cute', 'bootlegger' and 'private eye' are explored in amazing lack of depth and clarity but I still had fun recording it.

Disclaimer: contents under pressure, do not incenirate (is that a word?) or puncture.  Unless you want to have fun and watch the whole internet burn you silly person you!
The maker of this podcast is eating nachos bell grande right now and there is NOTHING you can do about it!  Hha ha ha ha  

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

041 - Buck - pass the buck - bucaneer - astonish

Well, the title just about says it all, we talk about stuff having to do with Buck; the male deer and some of the words associated with it.  Although bucaneer really isn't connected too much.  well, let's face it; everyting is not clear and perfect in this world, OK?  sometimes things get messy and i am not perfect <sniff>

Forgive me, I'm emotional today and my medication is wearing off.  Anyway, lots more words and lots more phrase origins are coming down the internet in future weeks.

Disclaimer: If visions occur, discontinue use.  Unless they are really cool visions in which case share them.   See a doctor if symptoms persist and you really want to know what a doctor looks like.      Chow!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

040 - Bootlegger - apple of my eye - checkbook - rat race

Whoopee!  Episode 40 hits the internet and it is a GOOD one.  At least I think so.
Soooo many words, and so little time.  Ah well, today I will explain where the word 'bootlegger', the phrase 'apple of my eye', 'checkbook' and 'rat race' come from.

No fanc footwork here, just fun, happy explanations from a fun, happy guy.  It is almost sinful to be enjoying this so much, but there it is.

Sponsored by Punners of the Worl
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.  Then it hit me.

Check out this episode!
Molly, one of my beautiful and helpful grandaughters, points out spelling errors I've made.   

Saturday, July 12, 2014

039 - Cock and Bull story - claptrap - bowie knife

I talk about the origins of the phrases Cock & Bull story, claptrap and the beloved bowie knife.    All interesting stuff indeed.

Remember that when chemists die they barium.

No sponsor ! Horray!  I remain free and unfettered by filthy lucre........... darn it.

Check out this episode!
How cool is this guy, eh?  Note the spiffy mustache and '70s glasses. Just to show that I wasn't always so good lookin' 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

038 - Ax to grind - Beat the Rap - Atrophy

This episode was a fun one to put together.  I especially love ATROPHY , as a word because of it's origins.  You will too no dobut and if you don't well, you may be lacking in a sense of joy and wonder.   Or maybe it's just me being strange again.

Ax to grind comes from a folk tale as you will find out and beating the rap has a multitude of meanings.

Episode sponsored by the IKEEA do-it-yourself knee suregery kit: Hinge A-go-go.  Don't suffer with that pain any longer, just a few simple tools (included), a bright light to read the diagram, a friend to help and suddenly you will be dancing again!.   (Asprin included in kit).    

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

037 - Through Thick and Thin - Cappuccino - California

Phil makes an incredibly silly and irrelevant point about a word origin - and wonders why people avoid him

Hello good listeners and readers!  This is Phil 'the curious guy' with some more faintly interesting word and phrase origins in episode 37.
Why do we say "I'll stick with you through thick and thin"? and where did the word Cappuccino come from?
And I answer the odd question from a listener about where our state name California came from.  

At no extra cost to YOU, this episode is encoded in special chocholate bits and bites to be extra scrumptuous and tasty.  This new technology does contain nuts however and may be a bit crunchy so do not use it as toothpaste.  Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The author is responsible for nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  He is completely dissasoassociated with anything and everything.  There are rumors that he actually never existed in this or any alternate potential universe.  He also does NOT play the tuba.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

036 - Ballot - White Elephant - Cloud 9 - Alma Mater

Episode 36 (this one) is the product of strenuous, hard and exhausting research so you had better enjoy it or I will pout for 20 minutes.   Today we explore the origin of the word "ballot" as used to vote, White Elephant when used to say "I've got a white elephant", Cloud 9 and finaly, since I have been sitting through so many graduations and matriculations lately,  Alma Mater.    

Added bonus fact: Martriculate does not mean to graduate, it means to enroll. 

"Medieval Latin matriculatus, past participle of matriculare,from Late Latin matricula public roll, diminutive of matric-, matrix list, from Latin, breeding female"  and technically means "to enroll as a member of a body and especially of a college or university".  So the proper use is to say that "he matruculated (was enrolled at) to the College of Stagant Waters by cheating on his entrance exams" .   Yeah life is hard.  Which is related to Alma Mater by the way as nourisning mother.  

Free pun: I stayed up all night to see where the sun went.  Then it dawned on me.

Costly pun: I tried to catch some fog:  I mist.  

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

035 - Clue - Charley Horse - Curfew

Episode 35 is another fairly amusing one.  Nothing too exciting except for the word CLUE.  I love the origin of this word and wax poetic about it. I promise you will be surprised and delighted with where this word comes from
Charley Horse and curfew are both interesting but not in comparison to clue. OK, I'm betting you think that clue is one of my favorite words, right? well you are right.  Clue, clue, clue.   ah.... just love saying it because I know where it comes from and YOU don't have a clue.  well not yet, eh?

No sponsor again today which is good and means that I can keep my intellectual dignity and moral highground.  

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 23, 2014

034 - Bearhug - Lick into shape - bee line

Episode 34 is on the air and full of squeezing and lickin' good stuff.  First off is the bearhug (an interesting term indeed) and then I examine the reason for saying that we will ' lick something into shape'.  Finally I muse about the inappropriateness of the phrase 'making a bee-line' for something.  Have you ever watched a bee?  Think about it.

This episode brought to you by the Association of Shy Podcasters: the Struggle is real!
Caution: contents may have settled in shipment.
Phil proudly remembers why he is sitting in the car .... now if he just knew who's car it is that would be even better

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

033 - Storyville - Sabotage - Sandwich

Episode 33 is a fun look at Storyville, sabotage and sandwich.  Since I grew up in New Orleans, I heard about the evil storyville (a section of the French Quarter set aside for houses of ill repute) a LOT well here is why it was called that.  

Check out this episode!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

032 - Peter out - Up to Snuff - runway

Wow. Episode 32 is another truly strange one.   I tackle the wonderful origins of the phrase 'peter out' and 'up to snuff'.  And another question from a truly way out listener is answered; why is it called a 'runway'?  when the plane doesn't run at all on it but just kinda rolls.  
NOTE: Grammar and punctuation in above article is left as an exercise for the reader.
Phil does not play the tuba.  Allegations about this are unfounded and untrue and he wasn't there anyway.  

DISCLAIMER: this podcast should be kept in a cool, dry place until used.  And please discard any unused portion.  
Support our sponsor: Codfish.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 13, 2014

031 - Learn the Ropes - To the Bitter End - Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - cheat

Have you ever 'learned the ropes'?  Well this episode explains how that phrase entered our language.  Also Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth is interesting.  Why won't that butter melt?  ah.... listen and find out.  lastly we answer a question about the word 'cheat' and where it came from.   No cheating here.

Caution:  Podcast may be hot; hold with both hands;  Adults under 34 must be accompanied by children; this is a toy, not intended as a real atomic bomb.  Dry clean for best results. Beat on a rock for worst results.
Phil tries out his 'super sexy' look for the lady in the podcast audience.  Or maybe he's got gas. Not sure which.   

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 9, 2014

030 - Sense of Humor - Tumbler

Episode 030 explodes upon the podcast scene with amazing facts and tidbits .... well perhaps, not exactly 'explodes', more like shyly sneaks into the room.  A Sense of Humor is someting we all want, right? Making people smile and like to have us around with snappy dialog and witty reparte.  Right?.  Well this phrase has a kinda gross origin and it involves blood, phlem, and oh nevermind, you will find out if you listen.
Tumbler? Yes tumble.  Be cool and I will explain why we call drinking thingies tumblers sometimes.  They were originally designed to tumble.
DISCLAIMER: cooking time may vary depending on your oven and/or brain.  Do not use while under the influence of drugs, except marajuana, caffene and Mountain Dew. Not intended for insertion in any orifice.   Consult your podiatrist before listening.

Check out this episode!
Phil receives another secret message from the aliens living in his attic. As usual it is a complaint about the cheesburgers.

Friday, June 6, 2014

029 - Log - Leotard - the Naked Truth

Another semi-exciting episode of word origins.  Today I will expain why we "log" something or keep a log - of course it comes from the sea.   And those tight fitting garments called Leotards had an interesting origin.  And lastly another question from our fabulous listeners of why we urge someone to tell 'the naked truth'.   Why is truth forced to stride around without a stitch?   And why is lying allowed to wear whatever it wants?   hmmmmmm?
Phil demonstrates his second most celebrated talent - his incredible folding tongue! 
NOTE! This podcast is NOT affiliated in any way with the National Security Administration.  Just so you know.
Check out this episode!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

028 - Getting Down to Brass Tacks ; To Steal Someone's Thunder; Pipedream

Episode 28 takes us to the early days of America and back to the Elizabethian theatre for these two phrases.  Getting Down to Brass Tacks means to get down to business and stealing someone's thunder means ... well ... taking their glory and merits away from them.  And a listener asks where the word 'pipedream' comes from; why do we call it that?
This episode sponsored by your grandmother; have you called her recently?  You know she wants to hear from you and it would just take a few minutes to say hi.
Do it now.  You know you will feel better.
Phil massages his brain to ease the pain of thinking too hard 

Check out this episode!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

027 - Make the Grade; Pan out; Pull the Wool over his Eyes

Episode 27 is another jaunt through the reason why we say some of the things we do like "He can't make the grade" or "It didn't pan out" or "Boy, she sure pulled the wool over his eyes that time!"

This episode sponsored by aliens from Neptune: why should Mars get all the glory they ask?!  Neptunians are cute too and not nearly as messy as Martians.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

026 - Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve; Tilt at Windmills

Episode 26 keeps up the torrid pace of excellence.  More or less.
Why do we say someone wears their heart on their sleeve?  and Why we say that someone Tilts at Windmills.

This episode sponsored by toes; those wonderful things on the end of our feet. Kiss some of them today in appreciation.
Phil's brain begins to overheat as he considers what kind of gumbo to have for lunch

Check out this episode!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

025 - Not worth his Salt ; Above the salt ; take it with a grain of salt - tinkers dam

Are you worth your salt?  and why do we 'take something with a grain of salt'?  And another question from a listener asks whether "Not worth a Tinker's dam" is profanity.  I assure them it is not and where it comes from.  Another jam packed exciting episode.
Brought to you by Your Gall Bladder: Have you thanked your gall bladder today? I bet not!  but it isn't too late to direct a small thumbs up of gratitude to this small but important organ that helps you digest so many things.   (Unless it has been taken out of course, in which case  you can thank your pancreas.)

Phil gives a big THUMBS UP to his gall bladder  !! And you should too
Check out this episode!

Friday, May 23, 2014

024 - Bulls & Bears - Bull Sesion - Topsy Turvey

Episode 24 is jam packed with goodies and interesting word origins.  The stock market jargon 'Bulls & Bears' is explained along with an easy way to remembr which is which.  Why we call a bunch of guys (or girls now) chewing the fat a Bull Session and Topsy-Turvey to answer another letter from our bulging mail sack.   Keep 'em coming folks.
WHOOPS! There are 4 minutes of silence at the end of this episode to commemorate the end of the Spanish-American War .... well, the truth is I forgot to cut it out.  Just don't listen. Unless I can fix it. In which case it will be 6 minutes instead of 10.  
Check out this episode!
Phil proudly shows off his spiffy new glasses - two toned no less!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

023 - Gossip - Throw someone to the wolves

Psss! wanna hear some gossip?  This episode reveals the surprising origin of our wonderful word GOSSIP.   And then explains where Throwing Someond to the Wolves comes from .... tsk. tsk.  sad but true.

Check out this episode!
Phil looks ascance at gossipers ...'cuse they won't share it with him

Sunday, May 18, 2014

022 - pig in a poke - high on the hog - hogwash - boudouir

Wow. .. another episode of this podcast about word and phrase origins.

This time we jump into the mud with the hogs with Pig in a Poke, High on the Hog, hogwash and boudouir.  Well that last one doesn't belong but just make it fit, eh?

Check out this episode!
Molly, my grandaughter, wanted to know who I was talking to

Thursday, May 15, 2014

021 - The Days of the Week - Rx

Every wonder where we got the words for our days of the week? Sunday? Monday? Tuesday, etc?  Well I am here in this sincitillating episode to 'splain it to you.

Also what does that Rx symbol we see on our medicine bottles come from?

This episode proudly sponsored by the tilde ~  Use it with PRIDE!  The TILDE is your friend and wants to help; give it a change folks.  

Check out this episode!
Phil tries hard to smile for the camera

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

020 - Bolt from the Blue - close but no cigar - blue chip stock - All Gussied Up

Wow! episode 20 is now on the air.  I am excited about this one because it discusses the origin of Bolt From the Blue, a favorite of mine; Close but no cigar; Blue Chip Stock and finally inresponse to a question from a faithful listener, the phrase All Gussied Up.

Thanks to our sponsor, Public Domain Books, for not giving us a penny to produce this and thereby keeping me unsullied by the taint of greed or money.

Check out this episode!
Phil listens carefully to the voices in his head

Sunday, May 11, 2014

019 - To Go Whole Hog -- Fan -- Eavesdrop

This episode continues my casual saunter though the beautiful and sunny meadow of words and phrases, stopping now and the to smell the wonderful origins of a few at random.
And my mom said I was never going to amount to anything!
Episode sponsored by the EU; yes the European Union wants YOU to know it loves each and every one of you.  So smile!  

Check out this episode!
Phil realizes a bit too late that the gumbo was more spicy than usual

Thursday, May 8, 2014

018 - Peeping Tom - Don't Fly Off the Handle - Bikini

Episode 18 is a very good one if I do say so myself.  Was there ever a real Peeping Tom?  well .. perhaps!  and why do we say "Don't Fly off the Handle"?  and why is that bathing suit called a "Bikini"?   I explain 'em all in this fascinating stroll down the etymology path.   Come on along .....

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

017 - Happy as a Clam - Fink - Gimme a Break!

I'll bet you don't know why we say that someone is Happy as a Clam.  Well, the origins of this phrase is exposed in this episode of Why Do We Say That, along with why we call someone a Fink and why we say that some got a good break or a bad break. 


Sponsored by the Society to Speak More Better English   

Check out this episode!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

016 - Spick & Spa - On the Nose - Nightmare

Episode 16 continutes the exciting search for word and phrase origins.
Spick & Span;  On the Nose and Nightmare are explore today for your listening pleasure.
No sponsor again <sigh>.  

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

015 - Stereo & Stereotype

Episode 15 is now available and with MUSIC!  yep, I've added music for  your enjoyment.  Eveyone else seems to use it so ...
The words "Stereo" and "Stereotype", their real meaning and their origins are covered in this syntillating episode.  (I bet you think stereo means double, right?  well it doesn't.)   Listen and find out the truth.

And I dip into the mail bag today to answer the question: Why do we call it a 'Dashboard' and not a 'thingie where my radio is'?

This episode brought to  you by the virtues Patience and Moderation.
and by the sins Avarace and Lust.

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 28, 2014


Hi good people!  Episode 14 of WHY DO WE SAY THAT? explores the phrases:
Well Heeled --- Kicking the Habit ----- and --- Cold Turkey.

An interesting choice you say? yes indeed and there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the grouping, just that I happened to pick those today.

Our sponsors are again the Numbers:  0 and 1  who bring you the internet and all that digitial stuff.  Remember to recycle them when you clean your computer so we don't run out.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

013 - Floatsam & Jetsam - Laconic - Pedigree

Episode 13 (this one) is especially lucky because we explore why we say "Floatsam & Jetsam"  (incindentally, why never just 'floatsam'?); Laconic the art of speaking with few words, and Pedigree, the tracing of your family's background.   For good or evil. 


This episode would have been sponsored by Procastranators International Society  but they never got around to it.   Sad in a way.  I could have used the money. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

012 - Goody Two Shoes - Handwriting on the Wall - Meander

Episode 12 of Why Do We Say That is stuffed with interesting word and phrase origins, starting with "Goody Two Shoes" and ending with the word Meander.  

Listen to find out where they came from. 

This episode sponsored by Coffee and Bacon - two things that keep me going. !!!!

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 21, 2014

011 - Can't Hold A Candle to You & To Goldbrick

This episode explains the curious origin of our phrase "He can't hold a candle to you" which we use to show that someone is very inferior.  Also how we come to use the phrase and verb, "to goldbrick" to goof off while appearing to be working.  It is American in origin and comes from early con artists.

This sparkling episode sponsored by the Hokey Pokey: Because that's what it's REALLY all about. 


Check out this episode!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

010 - Scuttlebut - The Straight Poop - 3 Sheets to the Wind - Fudge

This episode takes us to the high seas and many colorful phrases that originated there.  In fact all of these have a salty tang to them, even fudge!

Our sponsor for this episode is the Society for Cheese Grits.  have a bowl today.  Hmmmm! yummy.  

Check out this episode!

009 - Read the Riot Act - Juggernaut

This episode explains why we use the phrase "Read Someone the Riot Act" and use the word "Juggernaut".

This episode brought to you by your sense of Touch and your sense of Forebodeing.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

008 - Knuckle Down; To Win Hands Down; Personality

In this exciting episode I explore why we say "Knuckle Down", "To Win Hands Down" and where the word "Personality" comes from. 

Disclaimer: Not to be used for personal hygiene or inserted into the ear. 

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 14, 2014


This fabulous episode of Why Do We Say That tackles the eternal question: Why do we call 'em, Siamese Twins?  and what is a 'young whippersnapper', a political whip and finally, why do we say that something 'takes the wind out of your/his sails'?
 Check out this episode!


Podcast 6 covers the interesting origins of the words "Quiz" and the phrase "When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do"


The story behind some more phrases we use.  Today I explore why someone Gets My Goat when they succeed in upsetting or irritating me.  Why Hatters used to literally be on the crazy side and why someone "gets the sack" when they are fired from a job. 

This episode sponsored by the shape Rectangle and the number 4,234. 


This episode of Why Do We Say That will delve into the origins of those strange rituals revolving around love; Courtship, weddings, tying the knot and honeymoon.


Why do we say that "Your Goose is Cooked!?" and where did the phrase "Eating Humble Pie" come from? Today's episode will explore those phrases and as an added attraction the word 'seasoning' will be shown to come from an unexpected source.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Phil Is Easily Amused
NOTE: this is really a podcast (see link below) and all this verbiage is just to whet your appetite for listening.  Anyway, Let's Eat folks!  You can't see it but I've got a hot bowl of chicken sausage gumbo and a cup of coffee sitting here.  Yummmm. Very appropriate. since I'd like to exaplain a few of the phrases we use that originate with food and the table. Let's eat! or at least let's talk about som
e phrases associated with eating:

BRING HOME THE BACON - Though today this expression means either 'return with a victory' or 'brung home cash', in the 12th century actual bacon was involved.

GIVE SOMEONE THE COLD SHOULDER - means to delibertly ignore, slight, snubb or disrespect someone. "She cold shouldered her ex-fiance".  I can picture the turned head, the haughty distain and perhaps even the icy shoulder being turned to the unwelcome one.  But why do we say that?
listen and find out the interesting story.

Here is the link to the podcast #1:     BRING HOME THE BACON & GIVE THE COLD SHOULDER

Thursday, February 20, 2014

001 - BONES! and more BONES!

This is the first blog in WHY DO WE SAY THAT, PHIL?

Why Do we say we are going to BONE UP? or Have A Bone to Pick?

Why do we "Bone Up" on a subject?  Why do we have "A Bone to Pick" with someone?  and why do we "Make No Bones About It?"  .