Friday, June 13, 2014

031 - Learn the Ropes - To the Bitter End - Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - cheat

Have you ever 'learned the ropes'?  Well this episode explains how that phrase entered our language.  Also Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth is interesting.  Why won't that butter melt?  ah.... listen and find out.  lastly we answer a question about the word 'cheat' and where it came from.   No cheating here.

Caution:  Podcast may be hot; hold with both hands;  Adults under 34 must be accompanied by children; this is a toy, not intended as a real atomic bomb.  Dry clean for best results. Beat on a rock for worst results.
Phil tries out his 'super sexy' look for the lady in the podcast audience.  Or maybe he's got gas. Not sure which.   

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?