Monday, June 9, 2014

030 - Sense of Humor - Tumbler

Episode 030 explodes upon the podcast scene with amazing facts and tidbits .... well perhaps, not exactly 'explodes', more like shyly sneaks into the room.  A Sense of Humor is someting we all want, right? Making people smile and like to have us around with snappy dialog and witty reparte.  Right?.  Well this phrase has a kinda gross origin and it involves blood, phlem, and oh nevermind, you will find out if you listen.
Tumbler? Yes tumble.  Be cool and I will explain why we call drinking thingies tumblers sometimes.  They were originally designed to tumble.
DISCLAIMER: cooking time may vary depending on your oven and/or brain.  Do not use while under the influence of drugs, except marajuana, caffene and Mountain Dew. Not intended for insertion in any orifice.   Consult your podiatrist before listening.

Check out this episode!
Phil receives another secret message from the aliens living in his attic. As usual it is a complaint about the cheesburgers.

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