Saturday, August 30, 2014

050 - Pound - Panic - live apples

Hey good people, this is episode 50 of this fantabulous podcast and will explain the interesting origins of our words Pound, Panic and love apples.   Love Apples?  what are they?   hmmmmm.  well listen and find out.  No fair telling you since I sent to the trouble of making a podcast, eh?
here is a deep thought at no extra cost:
When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty.

"My bird is sick!"  said Tom illegally

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

049 - Symposium - the walls have ears - shellelagh

Welcome to episode 49.  I will explain what really happens at a high-falutin 'Symposium', why we say the walls have ears and the origin of the word shellelagh.

Please listen with discretion and do not use your new knowledge for evil, only for good.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity and just can't put it down!
How does Moses make his tea?  Hebrews it of course.
I tried to catch some fog but, sadly, I mist.  

These puns brought to you by the Society To Preserve the Pun.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

048 - In One Fell Swoop - Amazon - Cynic

My grandson Samuel salutes my listeners

Episode 48 deals with the philosophical question "How does something happen in One Fell Swoop?"  What is a Fell Swoop? and why is it all alone? I know you have been wondering about these things and so I'm here to ease the angst for all of you by explaining it.   In ONe Fell Swoop.    (hint: there is a bird involved).
Next the reasons why we call something "Amazonian" with a small detour to South America and some nice ladies.  Lastly this episode explains why being cynical is strictly for the dogs.  
Disclaimer: Contents of podcast are liable to be both hot and sticky. Use caution when reading.  Employees must wash hands before returning to the internet.  Others don't need to do that.  

Check out this episode!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

047 - Dunce, Blockhead, To Have the Upper Hand

I talk about the interesting and kinda sad origin of the word Dunce.  Blockhead is not so interesting but still fun.  

Please remember to speak distinctly when talking to older folk, some of us can't hear too well any more and it's embarrising to keep saying 'Huh?' "what's that again'?  

This has been a public service announcement by the Old Geezer Association.  Now get off my lawn you young whippersnappers!!! 

Keep your candles and dynamite in different drawers to keep from embarrasing situations when it gets dark.  Take it from me!  I know!!!!



Check out this episode!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

046 - Climb on the Bandwagon - Boycott

Episode 46 discusses Climbing on the Bandwagon (yeah, I misspelled the file - sorry about that) and the interesting word Boycott.
No witty remarks this time; I'm fresh out.  But I just learned about the word Franking, like in sending mail and it is fascinating.   And of course the phrase 'to be frank'. Gee our language is absolutely littered with nuggets of fun origins.  Perhaps I'll share them next time .... or perhaps not.    Feeling a bit unappreciated right now.  I know noone reads these blurbs or whatever so why write 'em?  <sniff>
My main hobby is recording books for LibriVox.  For free of course, since they are all in the public domain and that is simply tons of fun so I might be focusing more on that instead of this podcast.   Or Pinterest, that is also fun.
NOTE: If laughter persists more than 2 hours after listening, see a doctor.  Anyway, have fun and keep chuckling.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

045 - Backlog - Dead as a Doornail - Boulevard

Episode 45 of this sagatious saga about sayings.  I tackle the wonderful word "backlog".  Why do we have backlogs? Are they real things? And if so, why are they in the back?  Do they every secretly desire to become 'front logs'?    Listen and find out the fascinating origin of this word.  Next I deal with Dead as a Door nail.  An interesting phrase you must admit.  
Some say my podcast is dead as a doornail but I don't believe them.  If it is, what am I to do with the 287 episodes I've got in the can?.
Bouvelard.  Well, this has a nice history and comes from the French rich people wishing to rise above the smells of their respective towns.  Make sense?  It will when you listen.
Disclaimer: Take all of this podcast; it is important to continue listening to the end even if your symptoms go away.
May contain traces of peanuts and/or peanut byproducts and ultimate meaning.  ENJOY!

Check out this episode!
Me with our very first grandchild - he entered college today!  wow

Sunday, August 3, 2014

044 - Ride roughshod, cesarean section, average, blackmail

This written stuff is totally supurfluous, meaning you don't need to read it, just listen to my melifilous (meaning honeyed) podcast.  (Besides, nobody every reads this stuff <sniff> So why do I care? I'm gonna go over here in the corner and be sad for a bit now.)

But if you insist on reading, the origin of riding roughshod over someone or something has a real and somewhat bloody origin.  Thank goodness we just do it figurtively these days, eh?

Cesarean section - did Julius Caesar enter the world this way?  Well, no, but listen to see how old this phrase is and why we call it that.
Average comes to us from people trying to cut their losses; in other words, spread the cost for shipwrecks and naturally them guys with numbers and abacuses got into the act.  Really cool.  I won't discuss blackmail until someone returns my copy of the Facts On File Word and Phrase Origins (3rd edition) which they are holding for ransom.   The price of three Nachos Bell Grandes seems stiff but worth it.
Be kind to everyone you meet; they are battling demons you know nothing of.
Do not listen to this podcast while under the influence of drugs.  My daughter tells me that should be reversed; I'm not sure.   Do not do drugs while under the influence of this podcast seems kinda silly.    Sorry Sarah.

Check out this episode!