Wednesday, August 13, 2014

046 - Climb on the Bandwagon - Boycott

Episode 46 discusses Climbing on the Bandwagon (yeah, I misspelled the file - sorry about that) and the interesting word Boycott.
No witty remarks this time; I'm fresh out.  But I just learned about the word Franking, like in sending mail and it is fascinating.   And of course the phrase 'to be frank'. Gee our language is absolutely littered with nuggets of fun origins.  Perhaps I'll share them next time .... or perhaps not.    Feeling a bit unappreciated right now.  I know noone reads these blurbs or whatever so why write 'em?  <sniff>
My main hobby is recording books for LibriVox.  For free of course, since they are all in the public domain and that is simply tons of fun so I might be focusing more on that instead of this podcast.   Or Pinterest, that is also fun.
NOTE: If laughter persists more than 2 hours after listening, see a doctor.  Anyway, have fun and keep chuckling.

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?