Tuesday, June 3, 2014

028 - Getting Down to Brass Tacks ; To Steal Someone's Thunder; Pipedream

Episode 28 takes us to the early days of America and back to the Elizabethian theatre for these two phrases.  Getting Down to Brass Tacks means to get down to business and stealing someone's thunder means ... well ... taking their glory and merits away from them.  And a listener asks where the word 'pipedream' comes from; why do we call it that?
This episode sponsored by your grandmother; have you called her recently?  You know she wants to hear from you and it would just take a few minutes to say hi.
Do it now.  You know you will feel better.
Phil massages his brain to ease the pain of thinking too hard 

Check out this episode!


  1. Hey Phil! Just found this delicious blog, you're a man after my own heart! I've been collecting local Loozianna colloquialisms and misquotes for years, we do produce some gems here in the Deep South. Ever researched the phrase "dumb as a box of rocks"? Sure it's self explanatory, but who said it first & when?
    Please keep up the good work! You are a talented generous ole coot!;-)

  2. Hi Anonymous and thanks for making my VERY FIRST COMMENT on this blog! Yes YOU are the first and to make it better, it is a positive one. What can I say but thanks. I agree we make some great 'sayings' here in the South and I may feature one or two in coming episodes. Any other suggestions?


Hey! got a word for me?