Wednesday, July 2, 2014

037 - Through Thick and Thin - Cappuccino - California

Phil makes an incredibly silly and irrelevant point about a word origin - and wonders why people avoid him

Hello good listeners and readers!  This is Phil 'the curious guy' with some more faintly interesting word and phrase origins in episode 37.
Why do we say "I'll stick with you through thick and thin"? and where did the word Cappuccino come from?
And I answer the odd question from a listener about where our state name California came from.  

At no extra cost to YOU, this episode is encoded in special chocholate bits and bites to be extra scrumptuous and tasty.  This new technology does contain nuts however and may be a bit crunchy so do not use it as toothpaste.  Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The author is responsible for nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  He is completely dissasoassociated with anything and everything.  There are rumors that he actually never existed in this or any alternate potential universe.  He also does NOT play the tuba.

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?