Saturday, July 5, 2014

038 - Ax to grind - Beat the Rap - Atrophy

This episode was a fun one to put together.  I especially love ATROPHY , as a word because of it's origins.  You will too no dobut and if you don't well, you may be lacking in a sense of joy and wonder.   Or maybe it's just me being strange again.

Ax to grind comes from a folk tale as you will find out and beating the rap has a multitude of meanings.

Episode sponsored by the IKEEA do-it-yourself knee suregery kit: Hinge A-go-go.  Don't suffer with that pain any longer, just a few simple tools (included), a bright light to read the diagram, a friend to help and suddenly you will be dancing again!.   (Asprin included in kit).    

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?