Saturday, July 26, 2014

042 - Cute - bootlegger - private eye - dont panic

Phil prays for inspiration - or maybe another cup of gumbo - not sure which

This is another example of detailed and careful research resulting in incredible knowledge about words and stuff.  Unfortunately I don't always pass along this knowledge too well but my intentions are good.
the origins of the words 'cute', 'bootlegger' and 'private eye' are explored in amazing lack of depth and clarity but I still had fun recording it.

Disclaimer: contents under pressure, do not incenirate (is that a word?) or puncture.  Unless you want to have fun and watch the whole internet burn you silly person you!
The maker of this podcast is eating nachos bell grande right now and there is NOTHING you can do about it!  Hha ha ha ha  

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?