Wednesday, July 30, 2014

043 - Cop - cattycorner - constable

Episode 43 and I still haven't run out of words.  This is amazing.   Today you will learn about the many proble origins of why we call policemen 'cops'; why something diagonally across the street is 'cattycorner' (pronunciation optional); and the origin of the word constable.  (It smells of horses but don't tell them)
NOTE: this information to be taken via ears twice a day; NOT to be inserted into any other bodily orifice without proper equipment.    Discretion should be used while mulling over the jokes; if no discretion is available, please refrain from mulling - at least in public.  
NOTE #2: Mulling is the act of thinking about deep stuff and looking pensive and comes from the Latin meaning "to grind thoroughly, completely" as in "Phill mulled over the questions of life and gumbo".   Please do not confuse this with 'mulling' wine which means to heat it up or something like that ... I'm not really sure.

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?