Thursday, July 24, 2014

041 - Buck - pass the buck - bucaneer - astonish

Well, the title just about says it all, we talk about stuff having to do with Buck; the male deer and some of the words associated with it.  Although bucaneer really isn't connected too much.  well, let's face it; everyting is not clear and perfect in this world, OK?  sometimes things get messy and i am not perfect <sniff>

Forgive me, I'm emotional today and my medication is wearing off.  Anyway, lots more words and lots more phrase origins are coming down the internet in future weeks.

Disclaimer: If visions occur, discontinue use.  Unless they are really cool visions in which case share them.   See a doctor if symptoms persist and you really want to know what a doctor looks like.      Chow!

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?