Wednesday, July 16, 2014

040 - Bootlegger - apple of my eye - checkbook - rat race

Whoopee!  Episode 40 hits the internet and it is a GOOD one.  At least I think so.
Soooo many words, and so little time.  Ah well, today I will explain where the word 'bootlegger', the phrase 'apple of my eye', 'checkbook' and 'rat race' come from.

No fanc footwork here, just fun, happy explanations from a fun, happy guy.  It is almost sinful to be enjoying this so much, but there it is.

Sponsored by Punners of the Worl
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.  Then it hit me.

Check out this episode!
Molly, one of my beautiful and helpful grandaughters, points out spelling errors I've made.   

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Hey! got a word for me?