Thursday, May 15, 2014

021 - The Days of the Week - Rx

Every wonder where we got the words for our days of the week? Sunday? Monday? Tuesday, etc?  Well I am here in this sincitillating episode to 'splain it to you.

Also what does that Rx symbol we see on our medicine bottles come from?

This episode proudly sponsored by the tilde ~  Use it with PRIDE!  The TILDE is your friend and wants to help; give it a change folks.  

Check out this episode!
Phil tries hard to smile for the camera

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phil - congrats on the podcast!

    The Rx (take thou) was originally a message from the physician to the pharmacist. That's why you see it on the top of the prescription - it may be the only part you can read!

    Rx: amoxicillin 500 mg
    Sig: i tid
    M: 21 caps

    Take thou: amoxicillin 500mg
    Label it: one capsule three times daily
    Give: 21 capsules

    But long ago the pharmacists were mixing everything, so it would've been more like: Take thou 7 drachms of opium, 8 grains of aniseed, aqua qs to make a tincture of blah blah blah


Hey! got a word for me?