Friday, May 23, 2014

024 - Bulls & Bears - Bull Sesion - Topsy Turvey

Episode 24 is jam packed with goodies and interesting word origins.  The stock market jargon 'Bulls & Bears' is explained along with an easy way to remembr which is which.  Why we call a bunch of guys (or girls now) chewing the fat a Bull Session and Topsy-Turvey to answer another letter from our bulging mail sack.   Keep 'em coming folks.
WHOOPS! There are 4 minutes of silence at the end of this episode to commemorate the end of the Spanish-American War .... well, the truth is I forgot to cut it out.  Just don't listen. Unless I can fix it. In which case it will be 6 minutes instead of 10.  
Check out this episode!
Phil proudly shows off his spiffy new glasses - two toned no less!

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Hey! got a word for me?