Sunday, May 25, 2014

025 - Not worth his Salt ; Above the salt ; take it with a grain of salt - tinkers dam

Are you worth your salt?  and why do we 'take something with a grain of salt'?  And another question from a listener asks whether "Not worth a Tinker's dam" is profanity.  I assure them it is not and where it comes from.  Another jam packed exciting episode.
Brought to you by Your Gall Bladder: Have you thanked your gall bladder today? I bet not!  but it isn't too late to direct a small thumbs up of gratitude to this small but important organ that helps you digest so many things.   (Unless it has been taken out of course, in which case  you can thank your pancreas.)

Phil gives a big THUMBS UP to his gall bladder  !! And you should too
Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?