Wednesday, April 30, 2014

015 - Stereo & Stereotype

Episode 15 is now available and with MUSIC!  yep, I've added music for  your enjoyment.  Eveyone else seems to use it so ...
The words "Stereo" and "Stereotype", their real meaning and their origins are covered in this syntillating episode.  (I bet you think stereo means double, right?  well it doesn't.)   Listen and find out the truth.

And I dip into the mail bag today to answer the question: Why do we call it a 'Dashboard' and not a 'thingie where my radio is'?

This episode brought to  you by the virtues Patience and Moderation.
and by the sins Avarace and Lust.

Check out this episode!

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Hey! got a word for me?