Wednesday, July 30, 2014

043 - Cop - cattycorner - constable

Episode 43 and I still haven't run out of words.  This is amazing.   Today you will learn about the many proble origins of why we call policemen 'cops'; why something diagonally across the street is 'cattycorner' (pronunciation optional); and the origin of the word constable.  (It smells of horses but don't tell them)
NOTE: this information to be taken via ears twice a day; NOT to be inserted into any other bodily orifice without proper equipment.    Discretion should be used while mulling over the jokes; if no discretion is available, please refrain from mulling - at least in public.  
NOTE #2: Mulling is the act of thinking about deep stuff and looking pensive and comes from the Latin meaning "to grind thoroughly, completely" as in "Phill mulled over the questions of life and gumbo".   Please do not confuse this with 'mulling' wine which means to heat it up or something like that ... I'm not really sure.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

042 - Cute - bootlegger - private eye - dont panic

Phil prays for inspiration - or maybe another cup of gumbo - not sure which

This is another example of detailed and careful research resulting in incredible knowledge about words and stuff.  Unfortunately I don't always pass along this knowledge too well but my intentions are good.
the origins of the words 'cute', 'bootlegger' and 'private eye' are explored in amazing lack of depth and clarity but I still had fun recording it.

Disclaimer: contents under pressure, do not incenirate (is that a word?) or puncture.  Unless you want to have fun and watch the whole internet burn you silly person you!
The maker of this podcast is eating nachos bell grande right now and there is NOTHING you can do about it!  Hha ha ha ha  

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

041 - Buck - pass the buck - bucaneer - astonish

Well, the title just about says it all, we talk about stuff having to do with Buck; the male deer and some of the words associated with it.  Although bucaneer really isn't connected too much.  well, let's face it; everyting is not clear and perfect in this world, OK?  sometimes things get messy and i am not perfect <sniff>

Forgive me, I'm emotional today and my medication is wearing off.  Anyway, lots more words and lots more phrase origins are coming down the internet in future weeks.

Disclaimer: If visions occur, discontinue use.  Unless they are really cool visions in which case share them.   See a doctor if symptoms persist and you really want to know what a doctor looks like.      Chow!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

040 - Bootlegger - apple of my eye - checkbook - rat race

Whoopee!  Episode 40 hits the internet and it is a GOOD one.  At least I think so.
Soooo many words, and so little time.  Ah well, today I will explain where the word 'bootlegger', the phrase 'apple of my eye', 'checkbook' and 'rat race' come from.

No fanc footwork here, just fun, happy explanations from a fun, happy guy.  It is almost sinful to be enjoying this so much, but there it is.

Sponsored by Punners of the Worl
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.  Then it hit me.

Check out this episode!
Molly, one of my beautiful and helpful grandaughters, points out spelling errors I've made.   

Saturday, July 12, 2014

039 - Cock and Bull story - claptrap - bowie knife

I talk about the origins of the phrases Cock & Bull story, claptrap and the beloved bowie knife.    All interesting stuff indeed.

Remember that when chemists die they barium.

No sponsor ! Horray!  I remain free and unfettered by filthy lucre........... darn it.

Check out this episode!
How cool is this guy, eh?  Note the spiffy mustache and '70s glasses. Just to show that I wasn't always so good lookin' 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

038 - Ax to grind - Beat the Rap - Atrophy

This episode was a fun one to put together.  I especially love ATROPHY , as a word because of it's origins.  You will too no dobut and if you don't well, you may be lacking in a sense of joy and wonder.   Or maybe it's just me being strange again.

Ax to grind comes from a folk tale as you will find out and beating the rap has a multitude of meanings.

Episode sponsored by the IKEEA do-it-yourself knee suregery kit: Hinge A-go-go.  Don't suffer with that pain any longer, just a few simple tools (included), a bright light to read the diagram, a friend to help and suddenly you will be dancing again!.   (Asprin included in kit).    

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

037 - Through Thick and Thin - Cappuccino - California

Phil makes an incredibly silly and irrelevant point about a word origin - and wonders why people avoid him

Hello good listeners and readers!  This is Phil 'the curious guy' with some more faintly interesting word and phrase origins in episode 37.
Why do we say "I'll stick with you through thick and thin"? and where did the word Cappuccino come from?
And I answer the odd question from a listener about where our state name California came from.  

At no extra cost to YOU, this episode is encoded in special chocholate bits and bites to be extra scrumptuous and tasty.  This new technology does contain nuts however and may be a bit crunchy so do not use it as toothpaste.  Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The author is responsible for nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  He is completely dissasoassociated with anything and everything.  There are rumors that he actually never existed in this or any alternate potential universe.  He also does NOT play the tuba.

Check out this episode!