Sunday, June 29, 2014

036 - Ballot - White Elephant - Cloud 9 - Alma Mater

Episode 36 (this one) is the product of strenuous, hard and exhausting research so you had better enjoy it or I will pout for 20 minutes.   Today we explore the origin of the word "ballot" as used to vote, White Elephant when used to say "I've got a white elephant", Cloud 9 and finaly, since I have been sitting through so many graduations and matriculations lately,  Alma Mater.    

Added bonus fact: Martriculate does not mean to graduate, it means to enroll. 

"Medieval Latin matriculatus, past participle of matriculare,from Late Latin matricula public roll, diminutive of matric-, matrix list, from Latin, breeding female"  and technically means "to enroll as a member of a body and especially of a college or university".  So the proper use is to say that "he matruculated (was enrolled at) to the College of Stagant Waters by cheating on his entrance exams" .   Yeah life is hard.  Which is related to Alma Mater by the way as nourisning mother.  

Free pun: I stayed up all night to see where the sun went.  Then it dawned on me.

Costly pun: I tried to catch some fog:  I mist.  

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

035 - Clue - Charley Horse - Curfew

Episode 35 is another fairly amusing one.  Nothing too exciting except for the word CLUE.  I love the origin of this word and wax poetic about it. I promise you will be surprised and delighted with where this word comes from
Charley Horse and curfew are both interesting but not in comparison to clue. OK, I'm betting you think that clue is one of my favorite words, right? well you are right.  Clue, clue, clue.   ah.... just love saying it because I know where it comes from and YOU don't have a clue.  well not yet, eh?

No sponsor again today which is good and means that I can keep my intellectual dignity and moral highground.  

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 23, 2014

034 - Bearhug - Lick into shape - bee line

Episode 34 is on the air and full of squeezing and lickin' good stuff.  First off is the bearhug (an interesting term indeed) and then I examine the reason for saying that we will ' lick something into shape'.  Finally I muse about the inappropriateness of the phrase 'making a bee-line' for something.  Have you ever watched a bee?  Think about it.

This episode brought to you by the Association of Shy Podcasters: the Struggle is real!
Caution: contents may have settled in shipment.
Phil proudly remembers why he is sitting in the car .... now if he just knew who's car it is that would be even better

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

033 - Storyville - Sabotage - Sandwich

Episode 33 is a fun look at Storyville, sabotage and sandwich.  Since I grew up in New Orleans, I heard about the evil storyville (a section of the French Quarter set aside for houses of ill repute) a LOT well here is why it was called that.  

Check out this episode!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

032 - Peter out - Up to Snuff - runway

Wow. Episode 32 is another truly strange one.   I tackle the wonderful origins of the phrase 'peter out' and 'up to snuff'.  And another question from a truly way out listener is answered; why is it called a 'runway'?  when the plane doesn't run at all on it but just kinda rolls.  
NOTE: Grammar and punctuation in above article is left as an exercise for the reader.
Phil does not play the tuba.  Allegations about this are unfounded and untrue and he wasn't there anyway.  

DISCLAIMER: this podcast should be kept in a cool, dry place until used.  And please discard any unused portion.  
Support our sponsor: Codfish.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 13, 2014

031 - Learn the Ropes - To the Bitter End - Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - cheat

Have you ever 'learned the ropes'?  Well this episode explains how that phrase entered our language.  Also Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth is interesting.  Why won't that butter melt?  ah.... listen and find out.  lastly we answer a question about the word 'cheat' and where it came from.   No cheating here.

Caution:  Podcast may be hot; hold with both hands;  Adults under 34 must be accompanied by children; this is a toy, not intended as a real atomic bomb.  Dry clean for best results. Beat on a rock for worst results.
Phil tries out his 'super sexy' look for the lady in the podcast audience.  Or maybe he's got gas. Not sure which.   

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 9, 2014

030 - Sense of Humor - Tumbler

Episode 030 explodes upon the podcast scene with amazing facts and tidbits .... well perhaps, not exactly 'explodes', more like shyly sneaks into the room.  A Sense of Humor is someting we all want, right? Making people smile and like to have us around with snappy dialog and witty reparte.  Right?.  Well this phrase has a kinda gross origin and it involves blood, phlem, and oh nevermind, you will find out if you listen.
Tumbler? Yes tumble.  Be cool and I will explain why we call drinking thingies tumblers sometimes.  They were originally designed to tumble.
DISCLAIMER: cooking time may vary depending on your oven and/or brain.  Do not use while under the influence of drugs, except marajuana, caffene and Mountain Dew. Not intended for insertion in any orifice.   Consult your podiatrist before listening.

Check out this episode!
Phil receives another secret message from the aliens living in his attic. As usual it is a complaint about the cheesburgers.

Friday, June 6, 2014

029 - Log - Leotard - the Naked Truth

Another semi-exciting episode of word origins.  Today I will expain why we "log" something or keep a log - of course it comes from the sea.   And those tight fitting garments called Leotards had an interesting origin.  And lastly another question from our fabulous listeners of why we urge someone to tell 'the naked truth'.   Why is truth forced to stride around without a stitch?   And why is lying allowed to wear whatever it wants?   hmmmmmm?
Phil demonstrates his second most celebrated talent - his incredible folding tongue! 
NOTE! This podcast is NOT affiliated in any way with the National Security Administration.  Just so you know.
Check out this episode!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

028 - Getting Down to Brass Tacks ; To Steal Someone's Thunder; Pipedream

Episode 28 takes us to the early days of America and back to the Elizabethian theatre for these two phrases.  Getting Down to Brass Tacks means to get down to business and stealing someone's thunder means ... well ... taking their glory and merits away from them.  And a listener asks where the word 'pipedream' comes from; why do we call it that?
This episode sponsored by your grandmother; have you called her recently?  You know she wants to hear from you and it would just take a few minutes to say hi.
Do it now.  You know you will feel better.
Phil massages his brain to ease the pain of thinking too hard 

Check out this episode!