Saturday, May 31, 2014

027 - Make the Grade; Pan out; Pull the Wool over his Eyes

Episode 27 is another jaunt through the reason why we say some of the things we do like "He can't make the grade" or "It didn't pan out" or "Boy, she sure pulled the wool over his eyes that time!"

This episode sponsored by aliens from Neptune: why should Mars get all the glory they ask?!  Neptunians are cute too and not nearly as messy as Martians.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

026 - Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve; Tilt at Windmills

Episode 26 keeps up the torrid pace of excellence.  More or less.
Why do we say someone wears their heart on their sleeve?  and Why we say that someone Tilts at Windmills.

This episode sponsored by toes; those wonderful things on the end of our feet. Kiss some of them today in appreciation.
Phil's brain begins to overheat as he considers what kind of gumbo to have for lunch

Check out this episode!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

025 - Not worth his Salt ; Above the salt ; take it with a grain of salt - tinkers dam

Are you worth your salt?  and why do we 'take something with a grain of salt'?  And another question from a listener asks whether "Not worth a Tinker's dam" is profanity.  I assure them it is not and where it comes from.  Another jam packed exciting episode.
Brought to you by Your Gall Bladder: Have you thanked your gall bladder today? I bet not!  but it isn't too late to direct a small thumbs up of gratitude to this small but important organ that helps you digest so many things.   (Unless it has been taken out of course, in which case  you can thank your pancreas.)

Phil gives a big THUMBS UP to his gall bladder  !! And you should too
Check out this episode!

Friday, May 23, 2014

024 - Bulls & Bears - Bull Sesion - Topsy Turvey

Episode 24 is jam packed with goodies and interesting word origins.  The stock market jargon 'Bulls & Bears' is explained along with an easy way to remembr which is which.  Why we call a bunch of guys (or girls now) chewing the fat a Bull Session and Topsy-Turvey to answer another letter from our bulging mail sack.   Keep 'em coming folks.
WHOOPS! There are 4 minutes of silence at the end of this episode to commemorate the end of the Spanish-American War .... well, the truth is I forgot to cut it out.  Just don't listen. Unless I can fix it. In which case it will be 6 minutes instead of 10.  
Check out this episode!
Phil proudly shows off his spiffy new glasses - two toned no less!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

023 - Gossip - Throw someone to the wolves

Psss! wanna hear some gossip?  This episode reveals the surprising origin of our wonderful word GOSSIP.   And then explains where Throwing Someond to the Wolves comes from .... tsk. tsk.  sad but true.

Check out this episode!
Phil looks ascance at gossipers ...'cuse they won't share it with him

Sunday, May 18, 2014

022 - pig in a poke - high on the hog - hogwash - boudouir

Wow. .. another episode of this podcast about word and phrase origins.

This time we jump into the mud with the hogs with Pig in a Poke, High on the Hog, hogwash and boudouir.  Well that last one doesn't belong but just make it fit, eh?

Check out this episode!
Molly, my grandaughter, wanted to know who I was talking to

Thursday, May 15, 2014

021 - The Days of the Week - Rx

Every wonder where we got the words for our days of the week? Sunday? Monday? Tuesday, etc?  Well I am here in this sincitillating episode to 'splain it to you.

Also what does that Rx symbol we see on our medicine bottles come from?

This episode proudly sponsored by the tilde ~  Use it with PRIDE!  The TILDE is your friend and wants to help; give it a change folks.  

Check out this episode!
Phil tries hard to smile for the camera

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

020 - Bolt from the Blue - close but no cigar - blue chip stock - All Gussied Up

Wow! episode 20 is now on the air.  I am excited about this one because it discusses the origin of Bolt From the Blue, a favorite of mine; Close but no cigar; Blue Chip Stock and finally inresponse to a question from a faithful listener, the phrase All Gussied Up.

Thanks to our sponsor, Public Domain Books, for not giving us a penny to produce this and thereby keeping me unsullied by the taint of greed or money.

Check out this episode!
Phil listens carefully to the voices in his head

Sunday, May 11, 2014

019 - To Go Whole Hog -- Fan -- Eavesdrop

This episode continues my casual saunter though the beautiful and sunny meadow of words and phrases, stopping now and the to smell the wonderful origins of a few at random.
And my mom said I was never going to amount to anything!
Episode sponsored by the EU; yes the European Union wants YOU to know it loves each and every one of you.  So smile!  

Check out this episode!
Phil realizes a bit too late that the gumbo was more spicy than usual

Thursday, May 8, 2014

018 - Peeping Tom - Don't Fly Off the Handle - Bikini

Episode 18 is a very good one if I do say so myself.  Was there ever a real Peeping Tom?  well .. perhaps!  and why do we say "Don't Fly off the Handle"?  and why is that bathing suit called a "Bikini"?   I explain 'em all in this fascinating stroll down the etymology path.   Come on along .....

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

017 - Happy as a Clam - Fink - Gimme a Break!

I'll bet you don't know why we say that someone is Happy as a Clam.  Well, the origins of this phrase is exposed in this episode of Why Do We Say That, along with why we call someone a Fink and why we say that some got a good break or a bad break. 


Sponsored by the Society to Speak More Better English   

Check out this episode!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

016 - Spick & Spa - On the Nose - Nightmare

Episode 16 continutes the exciting search for word and phrase origins.
Spick & Span;  On the Nose and Nightmare are explore today for your listening pleasure.
No sponsor again <sigh>.  

Check out this episode!